Friday, April 4, 2014

Marriage Absurdities by Pagan Agnostic Vern B.

When I said I was going to wed my Harley Davidson, I was kidding, tongue deep in cheek; as were my Bro's and Sisters of the Red and Black. They were there for me when I "married" my Harley Davidson. It was to highlight and call attention to the absurdity that is now rampant insofar as marriage is concerned.

It was a protest I was hoping would go viral. A protest I was hoping everyone on this planet would stop just long enough to see that this is WRONG. I am not anti-gay, what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms between CONSENTING ADULTS, is their business, not mine & not anyone else's. 

All of humanity has different rituals (mostly fertility) for marriage and with most of humanity, that marriage is between a woman and a man. During the recent gay marriage movement Christians have been targets of the liberal progressive's, because if you kick a crutch out from someone who needs it for support, they are going down, hard. That is exactly what the liberal progressives want for their new world order. They want the human race to go down. HARD.

They want the population of the world down to less than a billion, and of course, THEY want to choose how it goes down and who survives. Modern marriage in the US has its roots from Ancient Greece, Rome (who adopted it from the Greeks), and from Christianized European countries who adopted monogamous heterosexual marriage from Rome.

Pagan rites are just as deep, deeper if the truth be known, and just as valid, if those who join together in those rites truly care for each other and truly mean to live by the oaths they swear to. Pagan rites and rituals far outnumber HOLY MATRIMONY, and are every bit as valid, and ten thousand times as varied. But I am not speaking of Pagan rituals, I am talking about HOLY MATRIMONY.

Why is it that those who despise the notion of God or of Christians threw feces at worshiping Christians just a few days back at a protest against new sex-ed curriculum in schools? Also, in Syria and in Africa Christians are being slaughtered, burned alive in ditches; or hung, raped, beheaded and tortured.

Now those same people who decry Christianity the loudest, with pure hatred and mockery for whomever put's their faith in Jesus ... NOW they want inclusion in one of the rocks of that faith that they abhor ... They want inclusion in the Christian rite of Holy Matrimony. But it seems that they also want all Christians dead or imprisoned or marginalized.

I do not claim to be aware enough of what forces created this universe, or even what forces had to align in whatever way to start the ball rolling to the big bang ...or whatever started the first thing.

I think God is real but not a white male on a throne surrounded by angels. I think God is so far beyond our understanding, our ability to comprehend, that words are woefully inadequate to transfer even a dust mote of the concept of what God is.

God is NOT about marrying your Motorcycle. God is NOT about a man marrying a man, or a woman a woman. There are OTHER rituals that can and do bind relationships together for a human's pitifully short life time. There is only one Marriage conducted in HOLY MATRIMONY ... and that is the marriage between a Man and a Woman.

The tail is wagging the dog in this country.