Saturday, October 19, 2013

Gay Marriage: The Phony Baloney False Equality Debate by Atheist John K.

Traditional American Values are under attack by the LGBT Agenda. They want to hijack Marriage as a right for themselves because it contains "benefits" that they want to claim as their own all without any understanding why such "benefits" were given in the first place. Without Heterosexual-Only Based Marriage our Nation would be only lightly populated, and I suggest that it would have been overrun by another Nation long before now. In addition, Heterosexual-Only Based Marriage produces a verifiable bloodline and allows transference of time-honored and time-proven values, beliefs, and traditions.

I am not saying that Gay people are unproductive when it comes to work, creativity, inventions. What I am saying is that they have gone too far. Surely, most Heterosexuals can accept others are Homosexual, but does that mean we have to live up to their demands, no matter how unwarranted? Does that mean that Heterosexuals should just hand over their time honored traditions to be exploited by Homosexuals? If they are so good at decorating (jab-jab), why can't they decorate their own "tradition" and leave it to the State they are in to determine that their tradition is worthy of special rewards or benefits.

I think they know that they don't deserve it, gay and lesbian couples just want it so they can claim some "false equality" as they are already "equal" as the same laws that protect them also protect Heterosexuals. This isn't about Equality, it is Identity Theft of the highest kind. 

To rob from the sacredness and meaning of Marriage is not at all about "equality" it is all about "leveling the playing field" in a most unfair manner. Why is their competitiveness in business, sports, and individuals? If everybody has the same kind of "equality" the LGBT agenda is referring to then why should anybody compete or work at all, this is all about "social and economic redistribution".

It is designed to take America in her Greatness and make her very un-special so that she can be just like every other impoverished, morally degraded, and lazy Nation. Why don't we all just stop trying, besides what others have is also our right and they better give it to us! Get the point? I hope so, if you are still for Gay Marriage, can I take credit for your work and start receiving a Government mandated tax paid to me because I think I missed out somewhere due to unfair incident and you are working the job that actually belongs to me. 

Should Same Sex Marriages Be Allowed? by Agnostic Vec Veltro

The state should not condone unions that are not conducive to the state's well being and sustainability. Legislating gay marriage is not beneficial to the state. Legalizing gay marriage is essentially a waste of societal resources. Basically it would be governmental charity. No, same sex marriages should not be allowed.

For the state, supporting marriage is a very costly affair. Married couples enjoy tax deductions, increased state pensions, increased welfare payments etc. Getting married can have quite a few considerable benefits.

I would like to know, why you think the government does this? Is it because the government is just generally nice? Is it because it's customary? Why do you think the state bothers to regulate and encourage marriages at all?

The reason the government bothers to regulate marriage is because of procreation. Since the society is made up of human beings, it is very important for the state to facilitate the reproduction of new human beings (new citizens and taxpayers). By encouraging the formation of long-term heterosexual unions (marriage) through many financial benefits - the state guarantees the longevity and health of the society.

So it makes sense for the state to recognize heterosexual unions and to encourage and support them. Supporting marriage is essentially an investment into the future, because there is a good chance that the long term family unit will produce new taxpayers and citizens who will go on to form their own families with their own offspring - more taxpayers and citizens.

Gay unions are incapable of procreating, therefore supporting gay marriage simply does not make sense from the perspective of the state. Investing into and supporting gay marriage is a waste because no relevant payoff is to be expected. This is why I called the legislation of gay marriage governmental charity.

You can, of course, disagree with all of this - but if you do, I want to know why you think the state bothers to regulate marriage in the first place?

Lesbians can procreate... with the opposite sex. Gay men can adopt, sure, but so can friends - should friendships also be given marital status? Adoption has no bearing on the reproductive capability of the gay union. Only heterosexual acts and unions can actually produce offspring - so gay unions aren't really producing new taxpayers and citizens at all - their relations with the opposite sex are producing new taxpayers and citizens. Raising humans and creating humans are two separate things.

[In the case of an Infertile Couple] You and your wife are still allowed to be married, because you are a heterosexual couple and therefore, still a procreative type couple. It's just that your union is defective. As I said, the state supports hetero marriages, because hetero unions have the highest potential of creating new human beings. Of course not all hetero couples can and will reproduce, but that doesn't change the fact that hetero couples and unions are the only ones capable of reproducing and are also the most likely unions to reproduce. Gay unions are the least likely unions to reproduce - and even then, reproduction cannot occur without the opposite sex.

Gays simply have no procreative capability, so gay unions cannot be considered that of procreative variety - essentially this is why they are excluded from the privilege of marriage. This is also why the state is reluctant to condone and encourage gay marriages - since they are the least likely union to consistently produce offspring, supporting them is essentially a waste of societal resources.

The Atheist Case Against Same-Sex "Marriage" by Jon K.

With what I am about to say with 6 strong points please stick with me to better understand my points: Don't get me wrong, I am a strong Patriot and advocate of Constitutionalism, and I am against Gay Marriage for different reasons than you may want to accept within the confines of your Religious views (that I respect). You are making this an issue of the Biblical God, whereas the terms in the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution refers to Nature's was nondescript for the very same reason of the State not endorsing nor precluding any religious views.

1. Understand the 10 Commandments are there on the court house acting as a patronizing head nod of the Religious Majority (and I argue that it has no right to be there as the Law of the Land is not the Bible much less the OT Mosaic Law). Now if one wishes to cherry pick one can find many social contracts within various religious books and non-religious books that espouse why Society should despise lying, false witness, stealing, murder, etc. True that Judeo-Christian Values have some sway in the beginning of American culture...but SO DID the mythos and government styles of Greek and Roman civilization. It actually goes against the grain of a Republic that any one religion or source is chosen over another as it creates confusion, divisiveness, and does not look out for the rights of the minorities.

2. I can show you a much stronger Reasoning why Same-sex "marriage" is not at all in step with American idealism, but first have the patience to do a small mental exercise. In all the cultures of man, has it ever been even considered 'natural" for a man to marry a man? Of course not! I mean these cultures weren't Christian cultures...even unsophisticated cultures would have deemed it absurd and disgusting. Why is this? They didn't have the OT laws? See, the real reason why Marriage existed (long before Mosaic Law) was for the propagation/procreation of the species. Hence, Opposite Sex marriages fulfilled the needs of maintaining the population index or else the tribe. community, city, and state would dwindle into obscurity. Agreed?

3. Now I can get to the higher points, although it can be observed in the animal kingdom and of course the species of man, same sex pleasuring is more of an act of infused bonding, a pheromone confusion, or even an act of dominance. It serves no known genetic or allele function in terms of promotion or strengthening of the species. The small bit we have to go on that even points to a Gay Gene is found within the research done upon the size difference of the certain parts of the hippocampus, the density of the basal ganglia and right parietal cortex (as similar to females). So, since it is not NORMATIVE it may very well be classified as an abnormality. Hence, if it is determined an is no longer a basis, using Natural Laws or the tenants of the God of Nature (non descriptive on purpose), that such "gay marriage rights" would be meant for the survival of a civilization, and would therefore be an agitation of such Natural Law and would be similar to arguing that people with severe brain disorders have the Right to drive a car just because they can although Medical and Social theorists would warn against giving such unabound and illogical "reasoning".

4. The promotion of gay marriage is actually an anti-American tactic used by Communist groups to disrupt the population growth index through Liberal/PC propaganda. They KNOW that is they can get Americans to accept abnormal mental behavior as being socially acceptable and push for Same Sex Marriages (and the enclave that will follow) that America will be so weakened within that Muslim Immigration and Illegal Immigrants will overtake our culture and create such a legal grind and tax burden upon America (all falsely claimed as Civil Rights) that we will become so vulnerable for an internal civil war, a coup, or be vulnerable from outside attacks (as all these false issues dissuade our mind and eyes off our enemies) and turn us all against each other.

5. I have so much more to share, but that is the real issue here, and also I understand your point that the youth today are improperly educated and are targets of Liberal ideology which compromises the very Moral and Ethical Values of America. If you make this an Issue of Preserving America from Communist subversion against our American Way of Life, of the actual Scientific and Social Data, and a matter of Reason as found in all Pro Opposite Sex Marriage Only type Nations/Societies, then the pressure will be taken off you as one that wishes to wage a religious war as there are many that will not accept nor do they believe that argument. 

6. Sure! Let gays and lesbians rob the sanctity and tradition of marriage. It's much easier to do that than them creating their OWN tradition and let the States decide if such a tradition has merit. They are the ones that say being against same sex marriage is an act of hate, bigotry, and closed mindedness. The reality is closed minded and agenda blinded supporters of same sex "marriage" do not want to hear the legitimate and logical reasons why others disagree with it. Chew on that for a while.

The Ultra Left is just as damaging as the Ultra Right...real sense awaits in the middle...a balance and harmony...a diversification not a solidification of ideas. The LGBT Agenda is as wrong as wrong could be...they could be acceptable without their Gestapo tactics. The point is their views are often so radical that it borders or crosses the line of being Science Fictional .

There are many Elitist that understand all too well that the complete absorption of the LGBT Agenda into our society puts the American family in jeopardy, yet they want that, they wish to see it devalued and distorted as it fits their agenda to fundamentally change what America is all about. Then they will control so much of everything else as more and more dissenters are treated as social outcasts and "backwards" is the way of putting the weakest to the forefront and de-establishing the truly strong and time-tested paradigms of reality.

 Ultra progressives are indeed policing thought and word...sounds familiar...thought police?

I have heard every reason under the sun and not one has proven to me to be a legitimate reason for gays to rob Marriage and call it their own. This isn't about equality, it is Identity Theft of the highest kind. Heterosexuals have Marriage as the finest example of our commitment to one another and gays (not all- some are against it also) want it to call their own...a selfish robbery. A messed up agenda by all definitions; same-sex "marriage" is going to cost this Nation many heartaches, family breaks, lawsuits, spiritual conundrums, and intellectual honesty goes down the drain. The Communist stated that gay marriage would be an excellent way of weakening this Nation. If you are unaware of this, it must be because the Mainstream Media failed (cough cough) to tell you this...